Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Purpose Driven Life

People always ask, "What is the purpose of life?" In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.

One day our heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of our body-- but not the end of us.We may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but we  going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.

We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense.

Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.

The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort.

God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.

We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.

I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore. Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.

No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on.

And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for.

You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems.

If you focus on your problems, you're going into   self-centeredness, 'which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.

You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life.

We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity?Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)?

When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.  That's why we're called human beings, not human doings.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD. 

(It always be my reminder because I know, I am not perfect as a human beings)

Monday, 23 May 2011


A view from a suitable angle is worth a lot !! (UNCLASSIFIED). 

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love..:)

Sunday, 22 May 2011


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. 

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. 

It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. 

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. 

It will make or break a company... a church... a home. 

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. 

We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. 

We cannot change the inevitable. 

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

LIFE # 1

I heard too many story about life..they surrender of their life, they give up, and some of them fikir 'mati' adalah jalan penyelesaian untuk hidup mereka tetapi mereka tidak tahu apabila kematian akan menghampiri mereka, they will seek for life, dan terlalu sedikit yang melafazkan kesyukuran terhadap kehidupan yang mereka lalui. It is fact! Choice is always yours.

Don't make promise when you are in joy,
Don't reply when you are sad,
Don't take decision when you are angry,
Think twice...act wise;
When you keep saying you are busy, then you are never free;
When you keep saying you have no time, then you will never have time;
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow, then your tomorrow will never come,
When we wake up in the morning,
We have two simple choices,
Go back to sleep and dream or wake up and chase those dreams,
Choice is yours..

In life just don't trust people who change their feeling with time..
Instead trust those people whose feelings remain the same, even when the time changes..

Di laut yang sama, angin yang sama,
Sebuah kapal belayar ke satu arah, yang lain adalah sebaliknya.
It is not the wind yang menentukan arah tuju sesebuah kapal 
Tetapi ialah layar, bagaimana ianya diikat dan bagaimana ianya dikemudikan.
Similary, it is not fate that decides where your life is going
It is all about how you take life and where you take it to.

What we are today is result of our own past actions,
Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions,
Decide how you have to act now.
We are responsible for what we are, whatever we wish ourselves to be,
We have the power to make ourselves.
Remember, you are born to live,
Don't live because you are born!
Don't go the way life takes you,
Take life the way you go!!!
Arrow goes foward only after pulling in to backward,
Bullet goes foward only after pressing the trigger backward,
Every human being will get happy only after facing the difficulties in their life path. 
So, do not afraid to face your difficulties, they will push you foward.

Perkara yang paling mustahil dalam hidup ialah bukan kerana sesiapa yang tidak memahami kamu,
Tetapi apabila kamu tidak memahami diri kamu sendiri.
Setiap kehilangan, pasti kamu akan perolehi sesuatu,
Setiap apa yang kamu perolehi, pasti kamu akan kehilangan sesuatu.
Ini adalah bergantung tentang pandangan kamu terhadap kehidupan,
Samada menyesali atau mensyukurinya.
Apapun yang kau berikan untuk kehidupan kamu, kamu pasti akan dapatkannya semula.
Jangan membenci sesiapa,
Kerana kebencian yang kamu lahirkan, akan pasti kembali kepada diri kamu.
Love others and love will comeback to you.

Don't write your name on sand, waves will wash it away
Don't write your name in sky, wind may blow it away
Write your name in hearts of people you come in touch with 
That's where it will say.
Don't let someone become a priority in your life
when you are just an option in their life.
Relationships work best when they are balanced.
We make them cry who care for us
We cry for those who never cry for us and
we care for those who will never care for us.
Never explain yourself to anyone
because the person who likes you doesn't need it, and
the person who dislikes you wont believe it.

This is the truth of life...its strange but true
Once you realize this, its never too late to change
Time is like a river, u cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again.


*Ideas came up after one of my friend mengeluh pasal kehidupan dia. Kenapa mesti mengeluh sedangkan itu adalah jalan yang kita pilih untuk hidup kita. Kita tidak pernah memberi pilihan untuk hidup kita, kita berkeras bahawa itu adalah nasib kita padahal kita ada kesempatan dan pilihan untuk mengubahnya. Samada kita wujud atau tidak dalam dunia ini, tidak ada sesiapa pun yang peduli. So, its in our hand samada untuk menikmati kehidupan atau berserah dengan takdir(which is will never change you).

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Baru-baru ni seorang kawan tegur sebab lama tak meng'update' blog ni...macam dah terbiar..:). Bukan tak ada idea cuma tak tau nak express my feeling and idea dengan kata-kata. Its just stuck in my head dan hanya bermonolog seorang diri. Kudrat yang mampu dibuat semua orang. Memandangkan hari ni public holiday so kerja aku berfesbuking and sekodeng wall orang. Tengah 'korek-korek' wall aku, aku ternampak gambar engagement one of my 'old friend' (was my bestfriend).

'What??? Engaged??? how could he didn't mention about it?' of course itu adalah my first expression about it and to my other friends i guess. Tak ada angin, tak ada ribut tup-tup dah engaged. Terasa memang terasa sebab we was very close since we were in secondary school tapi itu hak dia to spread the 'good news' dengan sesiapa pun or lelaki memang tak suka 'kecoh-kecoh'?. Mungkin sebab tak ada masa or tak tau nak contact macam mana. But we have facebook, and sebab facebook ni la kita semua jumpa setelah sekian lost contact.(Actually, is not a big deal).

There are eight of us yang sangat rapat. Three guys, five girls. Bila dikenang-kenang, memang rindu balik time tu. Melayani bersama dalam ISCF, buat revision bersama, bergaduh, bermain bersama, mengulam bersama, dan kadang-kadang hari ahad petang masing-masing bawa potluck. Tak akan mudah lupa bila ada kenangan sebegitu. Bila tamat form 5, masing-masing bawa haluan diri, membina kerjaya sendiri (ada yang terus membina keluarga sendiri..:p) dan aku hanya berjumpa dengan seorang dua kawan sejak tamat form 5.  One of them, walau sibuk macam mana pun dan betapa jauh jarak kami, I'll try to spend my time barang sesaat masa untuk bertemu dan paling kurang setahun sekali.

Akhirnya kami bertemu atas talian (orang bilang). Itulah yang dikatakan jodoh kawan. So, masing-masing bertanya kabar, dapatkan email masing-masing dan contact number, kononnya buat perancangan untuk reunion tetapi dibatalkan disebabkan kesibukan masing-masing. For me, if we really mean it, we can do it or just omong-omong kosong saja ya? Really hope, that one day we still have another time to meet up seat in one table, talk our life, talk as a friend. It doesn't matter to bring along your family as long we still can meet up (with cross of my finger). I'm very glad on our relationship dan diberi kesempatan untuk mengenali kalian. Kenangan yang tak akan dilupakan sampi akhir hayat (kecuali dah hilang ingatan..hihiii). Korang semua tau macam nak contact dan cari aku..:)

** Still single..:). Know her since primary school.   

                                  ~~ Married with one son. Know her since primary school.


^^ Engaged. Tu pun after engaged baru bagitau kekawan.

                                            >> Just engaged and tak bagitau kekawan langsung.     

                                                    >< Married and maju in his business..

^^must meet up with her at least once a year because she the only one yang available to meet..:)

Friends, i'm sorry sebab publish muka korang kat sini without you all permission but no worry because i didn't put up you'll name. Still one of my friend tak dapat gambar lagi. Well, semoga suatu hari nanti kita akan bertemu lagi..:)

Song dedicated to you all..:)


Saturday, 14 May 2011


With Petrol expected to reach RM2.00 per litre for Ron95 by end of 2011, these tips that I received from a friend might come in handy.


Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the Petrololine, when it gets warmer Petrololine expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the Petrololine, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.

A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode. If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your Petrol tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more Petrol you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Petrololine evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petrololine storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the Petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every litre is actually the exact amount.

Another reminder, if there is a Petrololine truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy Petrol, DO NOT fill up; most likely the Petrololine is being stirred up as the Petrol is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Hopefully, this tips can guide us to save the petrol and money..:)

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Judah Ben-Hur, The Theatrical Concert

7th May 2011, i was attended the amazing musical theater - Judah Ben-Hur. One of testimony the Jesus goodness to us that was so touching and full with blessing, and very happy to share with us of that musical.


Judah Ben-Hur, a prince of Jerusalem in A.D. 30, is preparing to propose to the lovely Esther, when the unthinkable happens. His childhood friend, Messala, now a Roman Tribune, frames him for the attempted assassination of the Governor, and condemns him to die chained to his oars in a Roman Galley ship.  On the way to the galley ship, in Nazareth, a mysterious carpenter defies Judah’s Roman captors by giving Judah water and the courage to hope. When Judah’s ship is sunk by pirates, he manages to escape and even save the life of the Admiral, who trains him to be the champion charioteer of Rome and then adopts him. Now a Roman citizen, Judah returns to Jerusalem to look for his family. There he discovers that Esther has waited for him all these years.

Little does Judah know, but his mother and sister contracted leprosy in the Roman prison and were released to the Valley of the Lepers. When Judah hears the false report that they died in prison, he decides to take his revenge against his once-friend, the Tribune Messala, in the chariot Race in Caesarea. There is no law in the arena, providing a perfect opportunity for Judah to kill Messala without penalty.  Esther pleads with Judah to stay away from Messala and to listen to the Rabbi Jesus, who teaches to love and forgive even enemies.  But Judah refuses to change his mind. The jovial Sheik Ilderim provides the horses for Judah, the finest Arabians in the East, enabling Judah to both win the race and kill Messala in the process.

Upon Judah’s return to Jerusalem, he encounters a crucifixion. Told that the victim of this Roman brutality is the Rabbi Jesus, Judah suddenly realizes that this was the same carpenter who had strengthened him with water and hope on his road to the Roman galley ship. Stunned and convicted by this rabbi’s continued forgiveness of his murderers, Judah pours his soul out in repentance to God.  Judah returns home to find that Jesus has both risen from the dead and healed his mother and sister. The family rejoices in a tearful reunion. Finally, Judah and Esther get married, and the whole community explodes into festive song and dance, ending the story in joyful celebration.

Check out music from Judah Ben Hur